Athlete Sports Injury Michigan Rolfing

When you get an injury, one where you have to take a dead stop break from your sports – it sucks!  You might be told you need three to six weeks to recover, and THEN you’ll need to build slowly back up to your previous performance to prevent re-injury. You lose so much of your progress that way … there is a better option!

With Rolfing and Cold Laser treatments, we can kick-start the body’s healing process, relieve strain from the injured area and get you moving again, right from the start.

These bodywork techniques let you essentially skip the rest-and-ice phase and jump right into slow movement and build-up. Compared to traditional healing, this would save you a lot of lost progress on your performance goals – not to mention giving you back the time you would otherwise miss out on with your sports activities.

Rolfing will help get your body back into alignment and eliminate any pulls or strains that may have led to the injury in the first place. It also gives the body space and stimulation to heal itself.

Cold Laser helps speed up the recovery on the molecular level. It promotes cell ATP, which is the energy the body needs to repair and build tissue. With the combination of Rolfing and Cold Laser, we work from both the micro (cells) and macro (muscle/fascia) levels, getting the whole body in on recovery.

Rolfing Session for Injured Athletes Michigan Rolfing

I want you back to full speed by the end of 6 weeks, not just beginning to rebuild strength.

Contact me today to receive a complimentary consultation at 313.310.4420 or email me at